March 10, 2025
Moving On

Moving on is a nice phrase and a better one, if practiced in real life. Life has to move on irrespective of our good or bad experience. Moving on helps us to forget the past and place our vision only on our future; this makes life less complicated too. “To be able to move on, one has to learn to forgive not only the person or people who have done one wrong but also one self” are the word of Eugenia tripputi.

Only if we develop the trait of forgiving, moving on becomes much easier and gives us a lot of energy to face the hardships. When this is dawned on us, we are in fact moving on to a higher position, and will be respected by others. Quietly forgiving and moving on is a gift to god and yourself. So, be sure to develop this habit and spread this message to others too for the smooth functioning of life.

Moving On

Powerful Quotes for Moving On😃😃

  1. “Moving on means we have to protect ourselves”
  2. “Sometimes you just have to regret things and move on”
  3. “Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent”
  4. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello”
  5. “Keep going everything you need will come to you at the perfect time”
  6. “I have always believed that process is more important than results”
  7. “Telling the truth after proper investigation is the height of courage”
  8. “God never said that the journey will be easy, but he did say that the arrival will be worthwhile”
  9. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
  10. “Stop worrying about what you have to loose and start focusing on what you have to gain”
  11. “Sometimes it’s very hard to move on, but once you move on, you’ll realize it was the best decision you’ve ever made”
  12. “We must accept the end of something in order to build something new and better”
Moving on

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