Independence Day celebrates the historic day when India received its freedom from the British rule. For several centuries India was a part of the British Empire; it was only after a long and difficult struggle by many Indians that our country finally attain freedom 75 years ago. India gained Independence on 15th August 1947 and every year this day is celebrated with great pomp in our country. It is a national holiday; many Indians attend flag hoisting ceremonies and sing the national anthem as a display of patriotism for the country.

Happy Independence Day
I am proud to be an Indian
and respect the culture of my country.
Amazing Quotes For Independence Day
- “Let’s keep the memories of all the people who sacrificed their live for our country alive. I wish you a Happy Independence Day“
- “If your heart beats for your country then you will always live for your nation” Happy Independence Day
- “Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words….. Pride in our souls…. Lets salut the Nation. Our Independence Day! Vande Mataram“
- “Celebrate the freedom, celebrate the Independence. Live freely & enjoy this freedom” Happy Independence Day
- “Pay respect to the real heroes who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom” Happy Independence Day
- “our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it” Happy Independence Day
- “Let your spirits fly high with the Indian flag today” Happy Independence Day
- “Freedom was earned in the hardest way possible but let’s not forget to fight to protect it too” Happy Independence Day
- “May the future bring more glory to our great nation” Happy Independence Day
- “I am proud to be Indian and wish all the Indians a Happy Independence Day“
“”Saree Jahan Se Aachaa Hindustan Hamara Hum Bulbulle Hai Iskee Yeah Gulsitta Hamara“”
To express the depth of this sentiment, most Indians send messages, quotes or cards to their loved ones, wishing them a happy Independence Day on this important day. So here are some wishes, messages, quotes, Facebook & Whatsapp status which you can send to your friends and family.

Happy Independence Day
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Ask what you can do for your country.
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Click Here To Buy Independence Day: A people’s History Book
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