When we wish someone good night, we let them know that we care about them, their wellbeing, and wish them well for the next day. At the end of the day when your loved ones is tired and exhausted, these funny good nights quotes will bring a cute smile on their face. Good night quotes are a great way to show your loved ones how much you care about them. Here we have a huge selection of quotes that will surely put a smile on anyone who reads them.
See: Good Night quotes, wishes and Messages for your loved ones

Funny Good Night Quotes
“Good night sweetheart! Don’t look at the window at night. Also, don’t look under the bed. There may be something! Just kidding! Have a sweet dream my love!” — Unknown
“When I say good night, I actually want you to be a good boy at night. So don’t think about any girl except me. Good night handsome.” — Unknown
“I wish I could be the moon. I would give anything to watch you sleep. Your beauty is unparalleled and makes the North star seem dim. May your dreams be wonderful and your rest be plentiful.” — Unknown
“The sun has gone down, the moon and stars are out. It’s time to have all your troubles, worries, and cares melt away. Lay your head down and drift off to sleep.” — Unknown
“As you hit the hay today, I requested bats to watch you tight. I disclosed to certain apparitions to move in white and to ensure you are OK, I’ll request that the Dracula kiss your neck. Good night.” — Unknown
“Do not sleep so tight until you can’t hear. When I was at your house earlier I saw bed bugs. Be on the lookout. Goodnight my friend.” — Unknown
“From a sleepy friend, For a sleepy reason, At a sleepy time, On the sleepy day, In a sleepy mood, To say please sleep well.” — Unknown
“I love sleep. My life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” — Ernest Hemingway
“Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep.” — Albert Camus
“Sleep is like the unicorn it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.” — Unknown
“Do not go gentle into that good night.” — Dylan Thomas
“I’m not asleep… but that doesn’t mean I’m awake.” — Unknown Author

Good night funny message
“Even if the size of your bed is not as big as you, do not stop yourself from dreaming king size. Good night. Sleep tight.” — Unknown
“People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” — Leo J. Burke
“Auuuchhhh!! Oops! Ouch I fell from bed trying to reach my phone just to say sweet dreams and good night to you.” — Unknown
“When you hear some weird popping noise of your pet from under your bed… yeah, I need some sleep. Goodnight!” — Unknown
“Let the prettiest and the most beautiful dream come to you tonight. Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight, but don’t make it a habit because I am not free every night. Good Night!” — Unknown
“My dear friend, just do not be worried about tomorrow, I will always be there to set things right. Good night. Have a tight sleep. Sweet dreams.” — Unknown
“I wish God made me an SMS, so that I can reach you in Seconds, Cost you nothing, you will read me and I could see you smiling, which is worth millions for me! Good Night.” — Unknown
“I would not take any selfies for the next 12 hours… not because it’ll be dark but because they’ll be without friends like you. Wishing you a lovely night my dear friend. Sweet dreams.” — Unknown
“Hold your phone very tightly because this text message is a hug in disguise from me. Wishing you a lovely night. Sleep tight.” — Unknown
“Whenever I look into the ceiling, I see you, whenever I look into the mirror, only you I see, but whenever I am eating my food, I hate to see you. If I see you, will I be satisfied? Good night sis.” — Unknown

Some more quotes
“The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more. Good night!” — Unknown
“Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night.” — St. Jerome
“Dear sleep, I know we had problems when I was younger, but I love you now.” — Unknown
“My day won’t certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn’t sleep yet without saying I love you.” — Unknown
“Do you know the difference between horror and beautiful night? A beautiful night is when you hug your teddy bear and sleep but horror is when it hugs you back! Sweet Dreams Darling! Have a wonderful sleep.” — Unknown
“I have been receiving different types of slaps, but the one your grandma gave me last sent me to heaven alive. Goodnight.” — Unknown
“The quietness of this beautiful night reminds me of you. How can I sleep peacefully at this night without disturbing you?” — Unknown
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. Good night, sleepy head!” — Unknown
“Star light, star bright, let’s count the sheep tonight. 1-2-3 there goes 3. 4-5-6 there goes 4. 7-8-9 close your eyes. 10-11-12 sweet dreams and goodnight.” — Unknown
“Feel free to let your toes peek out from under the covers. No boogeyman will dare to come out with me right beside you. Bed bugs? Not with me around. Sleep well, my lovely!” — Unknown
“A very original and authenticated good night wish only for you. Please beware of cheap duplicates I am the only authorized dealer for good night wishes. Good night, Sweet dreams.” — Unknown
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